Monday, 15 March 2010

My Boy Lollypop

Those that know me will be somewhat conscious of my pic ‘n’ mix dependence and compulsion for all things sweet and sugary. To me, the following story is a total fantasy, one that has often transpired in my sherbet, sugar hazy dreams, it’s left me feeling unusually attracted to vending machines and jealous of a two year old...

After the allure of hundreds of colorful lollypops, a greedy toddler crawled through the “tiny” slot of a sweetie dispenser and settled himself amongst a mountain of treats in a busy family restaurant in western Australia.

Cohen Stone, 2, was eyeing up the claw grabbing vending machine when his mother turned her back for just a few moments. Apparently, it only took a few seconds for the audacious tot to execute his transition from toddler to Indiana Jones and crawl inside.

"He was there one minute, inside it the next, like a magician's trick," said his mother Kyra, 24, who said that the hole he crawled through was tiny.

She said: "I have no idea how he did it. That's when I started to panic. I didn't know how I was going to get him out."

Customers and workers alike, including the nosey chef, all gathered around to stare at the spectacle. Eventually the wife of the owner was called to bring the keys to the enticing sweet machine only to find, upon arrival, that none of the keys fit the lock.

Luckily, a quick thinking customer telephoned a locksmith; however, he arrived on the scene without the appropriate tools! After a quick dash back to his workshop though, the locksmith returned to the restaurant with the bits and bobs he’d need to liberate the child and the rescue was a complete success.

Worried parents of fat children were left relieved upon learning that the menacing machine has since been removed from the premises.

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